Enter the dungeon

idk really a canceled project that i decided to upload after I found some humor in it
I remember sometime in the 80's there a was a game for the NES called "enter the dungeon" I remember being creeped out about it and when my friends came over and they asked to play it, I would refuse to let them play.
I can't remember much about it execpt that there was a character named "topper" I was pretty curious on why i was scared of it so i went searching.
I checked on eBay and nothing came up. Execpt for a button that said. "See results for ReEnter the dungeon" I clicked on it and it took me to some sketch website with a game cart of enter the dungeon. I hestiently bought the game 
and about a week later, the game came in. The cart had a sticker that had a dungeon with some lights and had "Enter the dungeon" written on it. i popped it into my NES and it booted up. I hit the start button and i was some
dog thing. But it didn't really look like a dog. its face was smiling and sinister looking. I hestently moved on to find someone that i could talk to. "Hello, topper" but it changed to "Hello, Jacob. Welcome back" i shut it off
and threw the game away.
I still have nightmares to this day and "topper" is still waiting. Waiting for me to play the game, yet again...